
...to Anything But Miracles, the TAFL-approved fanlisting for the bitter rose locked unhappily in an endless cycle of wishing to see the impossible and then denying its reality when shown it, Arisugawa Juri of Ikuhara Kunihiko's magnum opus Shoujo Kakumei Utena. Juri (also spelt Jury on Japanese merchandise) is a fascinating character, gilded with elegance and shackled by cynicism, nursing a shattered heart and trying desperately to find the slightest glint of hope and at the same time, avoid it like the plague. Her very reason for duelling at all is contradictory, making her far and away one of the most interesting characters of SKU. If you're a fan of this beautiful and complex duellist, please add your name to the fanlisting!

You are viewing version #1 of Anything But Miracles, titled dreams never do, put together in less than 48 hours with images taken from the gallery at Empty Movement, which has been the go-to for SKU images since 2002, for me. This layout should be viewable on all devices of all sizes, but if this isn't the case for you, as always, please let me know and I'll see what I need to fix!

If you're also a fan of SKU's mysterious Rose Bride, please do visit Anything But Miracles' sister site, the fanlisting I run for Anthy, Rose Witch.